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It was again a New England winter night, this time at the end of February. It was cold and dismal outside, but Julia's apartment was quite warm and cheery. Julia had invited her boyfriend John, her brother and her sister-in-law over for the evening. Her sister-in-law was to have a baby any day now. The girls thought that it would be fun to use the ouija board that night to learn whether the new baby would be a boy or a girl. The ouija refused to be serious and gave them garbled answers. They finally put it away and forgot it for the night. At about 11 o'clock Julia's brother and his wife left. John stayed and watched television until 1 o'clock. Once again, because it was such a cold night, Julia slept on the warm sofa-bed in the living room. She awoke not long afterward feeling cold. Julia had never been cold like this before, it was a freezing, damp cold, almost as she imagined death would be! It seemed to be slipping over her slowly, covering her. It was the psychic cold which heralds the arrival of an entity from beyond. Suddenly the end of her bed dropped sharply as if an extremely heavy weight had fallen onto it. She jerked around toward it but was forced back flat against the bed when the weight smashed into her. It was crushing her, forcing her almost through the bed, making the bed's support bars, which she had never felt before, grind into her back. She was suffocating, gasping for breath, enveloped in a thick, airless black! Julia was panic-stricken, she was horrified! Her heart was pounding so hard, she felt it would burst. She couldn't move a single muscle. She felt herself about to faint as icy hands stroked her jaw, caressed her cheeks and brushed across her lips. Suddenly, in that split second, she remembered something a friend had told her to do in cases such as this, and it gave her the strength to remain concious. She tried to force herself to speak, but for the moment she couldn't. Her tongue seemed to stick to the roof of her mouth, her lips refused to move. Finally, as if she were caught by a giant whirlpool and being pulled down to her death, her lungs almost void of air, she managed to shriek out the words, "GOD BLESS YOU! GOD BLESS YOU!!" The weight recoiled from her violently, but it was still in the room. She could feel it lurking somewhere near her. She forced herself to overcome her fear by thinking of John. Julia thought as hard as she could about him, and then in her mind she could hear John's voice saying, "I love you, Julia, you are going to be alright!" She began to feel the warmth of love and happiness pass through her, and with that the malevolent presence departed, leaving Julia safe.
Calling for help had saved Julia from imminent danger of being destroyed mentally by the shock of the experience. Yet the entity itself was so totally demonic that even when she called out those words of blessing, it refused to leave. This made it necessary for a "spirit guide" to come forth and, as the Warrens explain, reassure Julia that she would be all right by using John's voice telepathically (a voice that she knew and loved and trusted). This gave her the confidence and stamina that she needed to overcome this malign being.
Unfortunately for Julia, it will take much more than that to completely rid her apartment of the haunting. Her unknown visitor has again come calling, and even now Julia occasionally awakens in the middle of the night to the sound of the door opening and the soft padding of a large cat strutting haughtily across the wooden living room floor.
Satan's Daughter
Two black candles flared on the dresser, their feeble light reflected in the mirror, creating a soft but thoroughly inadequate glow. Then, from out of the flickering darkness, a woman's voice arose, timidly at first but stronger with each word, chanting its ritual prayer:
"Hear me, oh ye who have the power to kindle the hearts of men. Fill him with love and desire. Hear me, oh Theriel, Ariel, Donquiel…"
In her sable gown and somber mourners veil, Lisa knelt in front of the improvised altar. Abruptly, the air around her became a thick, clammy cold, and, against her will, Lisa's gaze was forced up to the glass. Amazed and terrified, she realized that she was no longer alone! The hair on the nape of her neck rose as she started sobbing helplessly, for in the mirror Lisa saw not only her own reflection but that of a great, black mist with arm-like appendages looming over her, about to attack!
A year of terror, a year of near mental slavery followed before Lisa, then 18, was taken by a close friend of hers named Stan to talk to Ed and Lorraine Warren. The history of a demonic obsession and occasional possession unfolded before Lisa, right there, met again with her attacker.
Why did it all start? As, unfortunately, in so many cases of this nature, it began with an urgent desire for something beyond the "victim's" reach; it began with a great need for the love of a particular man and a promise to do anything to get that love.
Lisa, who had been adopted when she was a young child by a wealthy New York family, found herself falling in love with a member of a motorcycle gang named John, who was her opposite in practically every way. She desperately tried everything that she could to make him notice her, but still he hardly seemed to.
While searching for a means of attracting his attention, she hit upon the idea of trying witchcraft. She didn't know then that it was actually a form of Satanism. She thought that it was nothing more than asking the gods of love for help. There was no connection between the two in her mind. If she had known then what she was soon to learn, she certainly would never have gone into it.
However, the ritual was performed, and during it that awful, malevolent being made the first of its many appearances. It comes so often now, just because of that one rite! He's not there all of the time, but he keeps coming a lot. Even when she doesn't see him, she can feel him - she can hear him talk to her and feel his touch. When the entity does come, she hears its voice softly whispering, telepathically.
"You are mine, Lisa, all mine! Remember your promise, Lisa? You said that you would do anything for me if I made John love you. Well, John does love you, Lisa, John does love you!"
Only after she had made John love her did Lisa realize what he was, but she found that she wasn't able to get rid of him - that the entity would not let her. Whenever she would try, the attacks would get much worse. She would find herself being forced to do things that she did not want to do. He makes her hurt those that she loves. He makes her shout at them and say things that she doesn't want to say. She cannot stop it - the words just keep coming out! He says that she can do anything bad that she wants to do, and he'll make sure no one finds out that she did it. He wants her to do these things! But she doesn't want to!
While sitting there talking to Ed Warren, Lisa felt the cold creeping over her again, and heard the voice hissing about her! She started crying hysterically: "Oh, he's here, he's here! Help me, please, help me!"
"What does it want?"
"He says that he's going to tear my heart out for talking to you and then he's going to put me into the sea of oblivion and never let me out! He says he's going to cut my tongue out!… Ohh
h… Please, please help me! I didn't know what I was doing! Now I'm worshipping Satan but I don't want to! Oh, no-o-o… he wants me to kill Stan! He's going to make me kill Stan! I won't be able to stop myself!…"
Ed finally forced the entity to leave. When Lisa had calmed down enough, to help her forget what she just went through, he asked her to talk about her life and interests in general. She began to talk about her love for writing, and then she remembered a story that she had written not long before, a story completely unlike any other she had ever written.
"It was about a girl who was alone in a pitch-dark room, waiting to meet her boyfriend, Stan. She kept calling his name over and over but he wouldn't answer. He still hadn't come. Then there was someone else in the room with her, and she knew it was Satan himself! She felt him smiling at her, staring at her. Then he said, 'You are my daughter and you must do something for me. Remember your promise that you would do anything I asked if I made Stan love you? Well, the time has come, dear daughter. I want you to kill Stan!' Then the girl screamed, 'No, I wont,' and she began stabbing her demon-father with a letter opener that she had. All the while he just kept laughing. Finally, he was dead. But when she turned on the lights, she discovered that she had actually killed Stan!"
During each of the last few rituals which she had performed before she came to the Warrens (which she practiced even though she did not want to practice them), in the midst of the invocations she would hear her own voice echoing in the back of her mind saying,
"Hear me, for I am thine… Thy own humble servant, thy own daughter, Lisa…"
The next morning, having spent the night at the Warrens, Lisa and Stan left to go back to their college in upstate Connecticut. By this time, Lisa had realized that she must give up John and that she could fight the "demon" that was trying to possess her. But in the car on the way back, Lisa experienced a new phenomenon for the first time, a sharp pain across her chest which made it very difficult for her to breathe. The pain lasted for a few minutes before it abated. Twice more that day she felt the pain. It was completely unlike anything she had ever felt before. She was frightened. She thought perhaps she had a tumor or something else equally serious. That night the demon came to her again. She could feel the black cloud next to her bed, but she fought it away from her, kept it from getting to her.
The pain kept coming and going. A tremendous desire came with it, however; a desire to go back to Satanism and to kill Stan kept entering her, tempting her, almost winning. But she fought it, and finally, after a few weeks, which seemed more like a few years, the demon began to leave her alone.
Everything seemed fine. School was going well, the attacks had ended, giving her the first peace she had known in over a year - her life was great. Then in English class each person was told to write a paper on a subject in which he or she was really involved. Lisa began to work on a paper about witchcraft and Satanism. The paper was due on a Monday, on the Friday night just before, Lisa had a strange dream in which the demon was trying to get back to her. That night it came to her again, after so many weeks of peace, and lurked about her room. She heard its voice calling her, telling her to come back. She forced it from her.
Saturday night she and Stan and a few others, her brother among them, were sitting in the campus cafeteria when the same intense pain that she had felt a few weeks earlier again crossed her chest.
"It was as if somebody were stepping on my chest, keeping my lungs from expanding," she said. "I could hardly breathe!" She then passed out, but with her eyes wide open, horrified. As the helpless onlookers watched, Lisa's body began to jump around wildly in the chair, pushing the table away and knocking various items off. She remembered nothing of the experience except what the witnesses told her; yet she did remember that as she was regaining consciousness, she heard loud drums beating and a piercing, ringing sound in her ears. Lisa woke up nauseous and had to be taken home to bed immediately. For the rest of the night, she was cold to the touch and terribly pale.
The next morning, Sunday, she thought that she was about to pass put again, so she asked to be taken to the emergency room at a nearby hospital. The doctor there said that her heart and everything else was fine. It was probably just a small seizure. He told her i it didn't happen again, not to worry about it. It could have been her nerves or anything. She wasn't satisfied with that answer, though. She wanted to make sure that it would not happen again.
Monday, Lisa went to the school infirmary. They sent her to a Hartford hospital for an electrocardiogram. She was given every sort of test imaginable to try to find a cause for her "seizure." The results of all the tests were normal. Nor could the cause have been a form of epilepsy, because her seizure had been of a totally different type. She was given a prescription for tranquilizers and again told that if the seizure did not recur, she shouldn't worry about it.
Thursday morning she awoke, again feeling sick. She realized also that her body was jumping about uncontrollably on the bed - the same kind of seizure, but this time she was conscious. She felt a terrible pain in her chest, and black spots were circling in front of her eyes.
As soon as she recovered, she destroyed all of her ritual items, making a strong effort never to be involved in Satanism again. Since then, the pains and attacks have again subsided, and once more Lisa knows comparative peace, although once in a while the strong desires still come to her, tempting her to go back to the fold, and tempting her to hurt Stan in whatever way she can. At those times, if she is with Stan, she forces herself to walk away without saying a word, fighting those desires with all of her strength. Sometimes, too, she wakes up in the middle of the night and again feels the demon in the room with her. But seldom does she hear its voice any more. She has finally regained the control of herself that she lost so long ago. It would seem that Lisa is slipping from"the grasp of the demon.
Stan, however, is still afraid of retribution from the demon, for it was he who insisted that Lisa go to the Warrens for help. It was he, in effect, who took Lisa from the reaches of the entity.
Strangely enough, Stan has recently begun having terrible nightmares in which he hears a voice demanding that he stab his parents to death. In these dreams, he fights a losing battle and finally does kill his mother and father with a sharp kitchen knife. These dreams, especially after all he has gone through with Lisa, are particularly frightening to him. But even more frightening - he has begun to have those urgent desires to murder, those persistent, tempting, hard to resist desires to kill, even while awake. Is it just his over-active imagination? Or is it to start all over again?
Demon In The House
The demon that you will read about in the next few pages chose a small and usually quiet town not far from Boston. Its shaded, tree-lined streets and silent, friendly houses be�
�ar mute witness to the normal tranquility of the village. Except for a rash of suicides centering around Maple Street in the past years, this tranquility has seldom been broken.
John and Joyce S. live on Maple Street, they moved into their home in 1965. If they had known then that the mysterious events which began happening soon after they arrived were just a prelude of things to come, they would have moved right back out again. Their home became the center of an unbelievable nightmare for in it, ever malicious and harmful, resides an inhuman entity… a demon.
On a beautiful sunlit afternoon, shortly after they moved in, they had their first experience with the supernatural. While sitting at the kitchen table. sipping coffee and talking over plans for their new house, a lamp, which was fastened to a wall, just seemed to tear itself loose, screws and all, and fell to the floor about six feet from where they sat.
For the next couple of months, almost every time someone sat at the table, the same thing happened. John and Joyce were baffled.
One of the chairs at the table had belonged to Joyce's grandmother and although she didn't believe in witches and witchcraft, she thought just maybe there could be a connection between her dead grandmother, the chair and the flying lamp. The entity played along. When she had the chair burned, the lamp stopped falling.