Deliver us from evil_forLit Page 9
"Why did you make a prisoner out of me? Make me suffer the way you did? Deny me all of the divine things which God gave me? You took away all of my potentials, even the man I was supposed to marry. You took my good fortune and success away. There is nothing I can do… all the doors are locked on me. Why did you do this? Does it make you happy? Is it because of your jealousy? Your vanity? Your egotism? Neither you nor the demons have any divine power over God to take, to isolate, to imprison me and my family, to take all our rights, our talents, our gifts. You destroyed them. Does that make you feel good?"
A. spirit guide steps in to speak for Peter.
"May I speak, Maria? 1 offer this to you for the edification of your soul. That which has been brought before you is truly tormented in spirit. We ask that you grant him your charity. For, indeed, that soul shall suffer far more than from anything that you could inflict upon him. Indeed, it is wrongful for any spirit, just as it is wrongful for any man, to assume control over any other entities which God has created and put on Earth. If we are to be unlike those demonic things which tread the Earth in various forms, we must call upon the bit of good that is in all of us. We ask you, Maria, do something that is, naturally, most difficult for you. Grant him forgiveness."
Maria answered tearfully, "God have mercy on your soul."
"Thank you, Maria. We will now take this spirit and we will show him the way that he can make retribution for all the wrong that he has done.
Many humans born on this Earth are subject to being open channels. They cannot control it. Many do not know that they are open channels and cannot understand how they can be under such an affliction. It does not mean that the person who is an open channel and is used by the spirits is necessarily evil in heart. It does not necessarily happen to everyone who does not believe in God or who does not consecrate himself to God. Even those closest to God are very susceptible to being preyed upon. We must constantly keep our guard up. We must always be learning. Maria, do you know how much others shall learn because of your troubles? You must know this: great mercy and blessings will be shed upon you if you can accept the trials that have come to you in this manner. You have brought before the eyes of many, the terrible devastation that is brought upon one by an inhuman source. Only you can decide now whether you will allow this to unsettle you for the rest of your life or you will use it for your enlightenment.
Remember, not all spirits are evil. You are not aware of how many times you have had gifts from good spirits in your life. Because good spirits lead you to do good deeds, for which you can be joyful, you have not acknowledged that the good deeds have come from an outside influence. Those spirits which are demonic and help to destroy your life are often very easy to identify. Good spirits cannot look for recognition because then you would not believe that the things we do are of a good nature. However, because human nature is as weak as it is, it is very much impressed by these fantastic things which you witness.
It is a mixed blessing which comes to you, Maria. In a short time she (the medium) will awaken from her sleep and will discuss various ways for you to set up building blocks around you. You see, you were born with a big chink in your aura; one whole part is missing. Sometimes, when we are born, these things happen. They cannot be blamed upon any particular manifestations. Those things which happen to you in physical life, yes, those are controlled by mortal men. Have greater understanding of what has happened to you from the spirit side. I begin to feel another evil spirit coming…"
The voice changed once again from deep and peaceful, to coarse and guttural:
"Despicable! They are vicious and scandalous! If I were you, I would not believe one word. Do you hear? Not one word would I believe from the lips of those people. They are slanderous! I am pure. Do you understand? I can give you everything that you desire. I can give you beauty, all the things that are pleasant, everything that is nice. I wouldn't do anything bad to you. Speak to me!"
Ed Warren answered, "What is your name?"
"I will not answer!"
"Can you describe yourself?"
"I am ugly-looking. I have a horrible face. My eyes are deep sunk. I have gross hair all over my body. I am black all over. My skin is coarse. What else do you want to know?"
"What do you call yourself?"
"I am resentful of this.. I am resentful of this!"
Once again, Ed crept up behind the medium with a crucifix in his hand and sent the entity into a howling rage of pain, forcing it from the medium.
Since that time, Maria has set up building blocks around herself for protection and has remained free of demonic attacks.
After nearly half a century of continuous torment, Maria has won her war against the negative forces, and Peter has finally been put to rest.
The Ghosts Of West Point
When Ed and Lorraine Warren received a call from the commanding General of West Point, they were flattered. Imagine their surprise when they were asked to investigate a haunting. West Point, that formidable bastion of logical thinking. The alma mater of Robert E. Lee, Douglas MacArthur and many others. Haunted? The General, himself, asking to search for a ghost?
Needless to say, they were quick to accept and get involved in one of the most complicated investigations ever.
It was a clear October day and the academy had sent a huge Army limousine to Connecticut for Ed and Lorraine and their entourage for the drive to West Point. Cindy, an investigator who works with Ed and Lorraine, and your author were fortunate to be included in the investigation. After a long ride through the beautiful hills and valleys of New York state, we arrived at the gates of the famous institution. Our adventure began.
After a brief tour of the grounds, we were taken to visit a major who was our contact for this adventure. From his office, we were taken to the site of the haunting, the Colonel Sylvanus Thayer house, which was the Superintendent's quarters.
The building was a white-painted brick structure in the Federal style with two stories, a garret and an iron lace-work porch all around. It was named after the first officer to occupy it, the fourth Superintendent of West Point.
On our tour of the house, we were taken to the cellar where two variations of psychic phenomena continuously occur. The cellar at one time had housed Colonel Thayer's office and the downstairs kitchen. It also contained a small bunk room where he could sleep nights when he worked extremely late. This room, which still housed a small bed, was the scene of a recurrent bit of psychokenesis (the movement of objects through mind over matter). The neatly made bed was constantly being unmade by an invisible entity. The bed would be fixed and a short while later, even though it was impossible for anyone to have gotten down there,
the covers would again be tossed about. In the downstairs kitchen there is a breadboard with a large wet spot in the middle, the spot never dries. It has remained wet for years and, seemingly, nothing can be done to dry it.
In many other rooms in the house, apparitions have been seen flitting about, only to be gone a few seconds later. Footsteps and knocks on the doors and walls have been heard. Many times doors have mysteriously opened and closed by themselves.
Lorraine wandered through the house. She paused to meditate in each room, trying to pick up impressions of ghostly inhabitants, if any. In one of the upstairs rooms she could feel the presence of an elderly, strong-willed woman. In another room she sensed a pleasant, happily-married couple.
We examined the upstairs rooms extensively (we were provided a photographer by West Point officials) and proceeded to move downstairs. While walking down the somewhat steep stairs I felt as if I were being pushed, but no one was directly behind me. Now, I was flying through the air in what seemed to be slow motion. I could see the General's aide coming toward rne, about to catch me. He too, seemed to be moving in slow motion. I wondered if I could have possibly offended the strong-willed woman whose presence Lorraine felt.
Lorraine and Ed had been asked to lecture at the auditorium that evening. The lecture went well. The subject held the interest of the many cadets and officers who were present. In fact, during the customary question and answer period that followed, we were told about an incident that had been witnessed many times by a number of cadets. A ghost had been seen in one particular room of the dorm by over twenty men, including six officers. More about that later.
When the program was over that night we were asked by two Major's and their wives to hold a seance at the Colonel Sylvanus Thayer house. In retrospect it almost seems unreal. Ed and Lorraine Warren at conservative, old West Point by invitation. Seated on the floor, hands joined and forming a circle, two very serious, very logical Army Majors and their wives.
An attempt was made to contact an earthbound spirit during the seance, but none would join our group that night. (An earthbound spirit is a person who, because of great emotional shock at the time of his death, does not pass over correctly and remains attached to this plane.) There were, however, many impressions picked up.
Lorraine saw a man in the uniform of the 1800's, his name began with G, she said it was something like Green or Greer. She told those present that he was very sad.. that he wanted to be left alone. She said that he definitely had a great guilt feeling, that he was a General's aide and he was black. The Major protested that it couldn't have been. There was never a black aide at the Point at that time. On that note the seance ended.
Approximately a week after our return home, Lorraine received a call from the commanding General of West Point. He said that he had personally researched the history of West Point and had found that, indeed, there had been a black man named Greer who was an aide during the 1800's. He went on to say that Greer was arrested for murdering a man on the grounds of the academy. He was later granted clemency. Greer is not at rest.
The next day an officer from West Point called and told Lorraine that each night since their visit a ghost had appeared in a room of one of the dorms. It was the same ghost that had been seen by the officers and cadets many times before the Warren's visit. The entity's frequency has increased lately because of the greater recognition it has been getting. This is a natural phenomenon among ghost hunters.
The ghost wore a nineteenth century uniform and carried a rifle. He walked through a wall into the center of the room and then exited again by walking through another wall. The wall through which he entered was always quite hot from the radiator which was against it. Whenever the entity came through, the radiator turned icy cold. Could this entity be in any way connected with Greer? Could this be Greer's victim?
We had been bound to strict secrecy by officials of West Point, to protect it from possible ridicule. An unknown cadet (West Point assumes) decided that he was not a part of that agreement. Within a few days, every major newspaper, radio station and television network was talking about the West Point Ghost and our investigation. We were told by the Army that any further investigation by us was out of the question until the culprit who had called the press was found.
A young midshipman from Annapolis, anxious to grab some publicity and at the same time cause grief for West Point, claimed that the whole ghost story was a hoax which he had created. He said that he had climbed onto the roof of the dorm and lowered himself over the side just above the second floor windows. There, with a flashlight and a foggy slide, he projected the image into the room, thereby creating the ghost. He said that he had done this for a full week, beginning Halloween night. West Point was quick to point out, however, some discrepancies in his story.
They pointed out that the haunting took place on the first, not the second floor. Over twenty people witnessed the apparition. They saw it very clearly walk through the wall and into the center of the room. The radiator had turned cold as the entity appeared. Finally they noted that the haunting had been seen each night for a full week before Halloween.
When we asked officials of West Point for per mission to use photographs made for us by the photographer that they provided, they emphatically said, "NO!" The day after we made the request the F.B.I, paid us a visit. We were told that we could keep the photographs provided that we never use them in public. We were asked to sign a contract that provided penalties for violation.
We hope someday we will be allowed by West Point officials to conclude our investigation. Until then, some of the dormitory rooms will continue to be sealed off, a mystery will remain unsolved and a ghost will continue its nightly walks in the halls of West Point.
Deliver Us From Evil
Where evil lurks and worshippers of its madness dwell, the beauty of nature becomes a grotesque parody. So it is in one particular valley in New England. There, the ancient road narrowly winds between twisted, stunted trees which claw the air above ominously. Low ledges of lichen-covered rocks jut out occasionally and crevices seep water that undermines the lane. The few dark houses which exist in that area seldom appear to see the light of day. Even the sun seems to shun those malignant woods. At the bottom of the valley, extending for acres in great desolation, is an abandoned sand pit with huge mounds of earth erupting out of a plain of ponds and puddles, foul marshes and insanely misshapen oaks. There lies hidden the very heart of the evil.
The cold light of the full moon creates weird shadows around the great dunes in the sand pit. Behind one of those mounds, flic
kering candlelight plays over the black-clad coven, while at the altar (a stolen gravestone) the high priestess drinks blood from a chalice. The coven chants, spellbound, as their mistress raises her dagger over the struggling rooster. The chanting drones on, getting louder until it reaches a peak and the priestess shrieks, "Hail, Satan!" Then she drives her knife down forcefully into the helpless, screaming bird. The silence in that valley of shadows is shattered by the echoes of the tragedy carried on the murmuring winds.
Laura was only eighteen years old, yet she was on the brink of destruction when she first sought help from Ed and Lorraine in 1971. Pathetically desperate, she related her bizarre story to them. A year later she visited them again, begging for help, but unable to accept it, for by then she was already in the grasp of the evil upon which she had called.
Laura had always been attracted to the occult, particularly the dark side. In April 1971, she believed that if she really tried, she could "conjure" something up. Her boyfriend had just told her that he no longer wanted to see her, perhaps the spirit world could help. She called upon satan, but nothing happened. Disappointed, she decided to go to bed. When she walked over to her mirror she saw, in the depths of it, a mist forming. It seemed to be taking on the features of a hairy, partially decayed being, half human, half wolf! It had large penetrating, luminous eyes that fixed her horrified gaze to them. It was impossible to turn away. After she stared at it for what seemed like an eternity, the face turned white as if it were a negative. Then it faded away and as it released Laura from its stare, she could feel a shocking change of mood. She felt tha.t she could actually kill someone. She also felt morbidly attracted to that face and she wanted to see it once more. Once again Laura tried to summon the creature, but to no avail.